At the end of April, I had a hankering for bagels. Not the chain store bakery ones that are really just buns with a hole in the middle but real bagels. Slightly sticky on the crust with a real chewy middle. Perfect for toasting and delicious for breakfast bagels, you know the kind. Even though I bake all of our bread products, I haven’t made bagels for a very long time.
I keep a sourdough starter in my fridge that was originally given to me a few years ago by a fellow vendor at a craft sale. It just keeps getting better and better the older that it gets. I used this starter for my bagel’s and made the dough nice and soft so that it would stay chewy. I can share my recipe, but you can find the same basic sourdough in most good bread books.
Here is my adventure in photos; when I reached the finish, I was really, really happy with the flavour and texture. I will definitely make these again.

This was an adventure that I will surely be repeating! Have a happy week full of fun, crafting, and kindness (maybe throw in some bagel baking too).
They look yummy! My sourdough starter is pretty strong, I might have to give bagels a go with it.