Yarn, Knitting and Crochet

What To Write?

Did you know that writer’s block is a real thing and I so have it right now? I am sitting here, at my desk, and letting ideas run through my head for a subject for today’s blog post.

Gah!!! My head might explode! I have been working like crazy at all of the projects that I have going (maybe that’s the problem?) and have absolutely nothing that I want to write about.  Normally I am very organized and ready before deadlines so I really don’t like feeling like this.

I have sort of finished these little baby bags but still need to figure out how to protect baby’s neck from the zipper pull. I think that a little flap might work; I am rolling that one around in the idea factory. I am writing the pattern up for hand or midgauge machine knit but still haven’t finished that either.

I really need to take myself aside and give myself a good talking to and set some goals and priorities. Does anyone else feel that winter is just too loosey-goosey a time for meeting deadlines?

Next week, I promise, ……. sort of.

Have a very happy week filled with kindness.


A Dearth of UFO’s

They say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, but I beg to differ. I believe that this road is paved with all of the grand schemes and unfinished projects that I have lying around in my craft space and (quietly) in other areas of our home.  And, before you assume that I have a reasonable stash, this is only the part that is allowed out in public.

I told myself: “Self, you are going to get all of this mess cleaned up before the New Year starts!” to which I replied: “Good luck with that, honey!” I did try my best, with a little procrastinating of course, to get all of the odds and ends cleaned up in the last couple of weeks but with Christmas, vacation, and any other excuse I could find, it didn’t get done. This is what I have left, and I have no illusions about getting it all done at this point.


My yoke sweater that I started goodness knows when is back. This has been one of those projects that stalled due to anger at my miscalculations and then lack of interest over the warm months. I have made good progress over the last week and am going to keep on going until it is done. I plan on a Latvian Braid up both front edges with a black folded stocking stitch band (buttoned) and ribbing at the neck, bottom and cuffs in black as I ran out of the grey. I think that it will work and be closer to what I imagined at the start of this than the mess that I began with.

Next, I am almost finished a little tunic, machine knit, with crocheted trim and hand knit neck ribbing, yet to be done. This one turned out just as I envisioned and is a prototype for a new pattern, another thing that I have been ignoring.

Then there is the SHAWL. DD1 gifted me with a couple of Tea Cakes in the spring. I went ahead and sketched out a shawl, started work on it and realized that two cakes would not be enough. Of course, by that time, Tea Cakes were gone from Michaels. I finally tracked some down in the Wool Warehouse online and am ready to go ahead with the rest of the shawl, combining knitting and crochet. This is another pattern that should be forthcoming in the New Year.

I still have all of the toys that I worked up on vacation, but these will definitely wait until all of the above are done to finish these up.  And, there may be a hat or two lying in wait as well!

Have a happy week with lots of crafting time!

Yarn, Knitting and Crochet

Wrap It Up For Kids

Last week I wrote about handmade gifts and shamelessly suggested my own patterns for you to make in time for gift giving at Christmas. Today I will just as shamelessly suggest some of my patterns for kids! It always surprises me at how much little ones appreciate a gift made just for them.  My patterns are all priced at $4.99 or less.

If you crochet, my Toddler’s Pretty Crocheted Cardigan (paid) is an easy and fast make for your Christmas princess. Made with low cost acrylic yarn, you can probably make this with something from your stash. I used Red Heart Soft for my pattern tests, but I have also made this with other basic worsted weight yarn.

My Little Lovely Lacey Cardigan is another pretty (paid) make. Combining both knit and crochet, I have offered you size 6 months to girls 8 in this one in DK weight yarn.

Knit and Sewn Kid’s Dress, also paid, combines a knitted top with a sewn fabric skirt. Make it up in a pretty glitzy yarn on top and satin or lace on the bottom and the Christmas dress is done.

On the toy side, my Sweet Doll Bed is a very quick crochet project for a last minute gift that will make a little one smile. It will fit up to an eight inch doll and can easily be modified by increasing the rounds of the base. Using acrylic worsted weight, this one won’t break the bank either.

How about a Monster? Free in my Ravelry store, this one requires a little more knitting skill but is really fun to do.

And lastly, how about a cute hat? This is also free in my Ravelry store, a quick make and kids just love to wear a Tiger Hat on their head. You will need to know how to knit in the round and have a little more skill to make the features.

I posted a pattern for a cute rabbit that is easy to make in a blog post earlier this year, another freebie if you take the time to look back to May 3rd!

I hope that these suggestions will inspire you to create handmade gifts whether you use my patterns or not.

Thank you for reading and happy crafting this week!

Yarn, Knitting and Crochet

Now a Jacket Not a Vest

You are likely as tired of my vest rehab as I am at this point. However, great news, I am done!

I wrote about the second syndrome and found that, once I have finished slogging through the first sleeve and it fit, I was highly, and I mean highly, motivated to finish. I knit that thing up in an evening.

All that was left then was a light block and to sew it all together. I decided on the “wrong” side of the garter rib for the right side of the sleeves. I just found that the vertical ribs and all garter stitch added a wow factor to the finished jacket (no longer a vest!) that really appealed to me.  After mattress stitching the sleeve seams, I pinned the sleeve cap in to place with safety pins and got to stitching. I used plain sewing thread as the fabric of the vest is tightly woven and using matching yarn would be struggle to sew with.

The original vest had a tape trim on the armholes. I did not want to start a major reconstruction so I opted to leave it in place and sew my sleeve under the edge of the trim in a flat seam. By that I mean that I laid the vest armhole over the sleeve cap, finished right side lapped over finished right side instead of creating a regular seam. This way the tape trim is overlaying the right side of the knitting. I am probably not explaining myself very well but hopefully the photos will help you out with understanding how the seams were made.  A little hand sewing with very small stitches and, voila, done!


I am very happy with the finished jacket and look forward to wearing it on a cool evening.

I am working on another clothing rescue for next week. This time I am deconstructing a yoked cardigan that I made but hated the fit and look of. The yarn is too nice to toss and the basic sweater is fine, just that darned yoke!

Have an exceptionally crafty week with happy needles and hooks!

Yarn, Knitting and Crochet

Coupon Code and Pattern Roundup

It is raining and cold outside. I am feeling whiny and a little bit like I need a batch of cookies. I haven’t thought about posting all week so I am still stuck on what to offer you today.

I know, how about a 50% off coupon code for all of the paid patterns that I have on Ravelry? Does that make you (and me) feel better or do we still need to break out the butter and get to work on those cookies? Tell you what, you knit or crochet and I’ll take care of the cookies for you. I might even make you a nice cup of coffee or tea to go with them!

Here is run down of the patterns with links to my Ravelry store. The coupon code is 50OFF that you will need to enter on the checkout page. Have fun!


A Wrap For Spring                     Delphinium Shoulder Scarf 


Gradient Cable Poncho               Knit and Sewn Kid’s Dress

Little Lovely Lacey Cardigan               Lovely Lacey Cardigan

Northern Rose Shawl          Pink Ice Cream Jumper


Simple Stripes Wrap                        Sweet Doll Bed


Toddlers Pretty Crocheted Cardigan     Twisted Stitches Scarf and Hat

Vine Lace Wrap

Roses and Lace Cardigan

Have a wonderful week with sunny days ahead (or at least cookies) and don’t forget 50OFF!