Sometimes life just gets in the way of all of the fun things that you want to do. I finally, and I mean finally, have worked my way through the shawl again and am ready to present to you the third and final (except for the little border of course) part of this shawl. Did I say this is final? All kidding aside, I did enjoy this work. I hope that you like it.
This project has been a different one for me. I normally equate shawl knitting with lace and really wanted to branch out to something different. I love textured stitches and used some in my Another Cake Shawl, which has surpassed ten thousand unique downloads, yikes!

Here then without any further whining is Part 3:
If you haven’t gone ahead with the colour change then this is how to make the transition. If you are using one colour for the whole thing or have already done this just zoom past these instructions.
Colour change:
Next Right Side Row: With the first colour, work the border in the usual way, slip marker, yarn over and knit 1, pick up your second colour, leaving a tail to weave in later, and knit the next stitch. Work across the row with (knit 1 with colour one, knit 1 with colour two) to one stitch before the next marker. Hold both yarns together knit the last stitch, yarn over, slip marker, knit the centre stitch, slip marker, yarn over, knit the first stitch on the next side. Using a single yarn again, (knit 1 with colour two, knit 1 with colour one to the next marker), drop colour two and yarn over, slip marker and work the border with colour one.
Next Wrong Side Row: Work the border with colour one, slip marker, purl the yarn over with colour one, (purl 1 with colour two, purl 1 with colour one) to the last stitch before the next marker, hold the two colours together and purl the last stitch, purl the yarn over, slip marker, purl the centre stitch, slip marker, purl the yarn over and the first stitch on the second section. Then (purl 1 with colour on, purl 1 with colour two) to the last stitch before the marker. Drop colour one and continue with colour two, purl the last stitch, purl the yarn over slip marker, and work the border. Cut colour one leaving a long enough piece to weave in.
This section is an eight row pattern that will be repeated six times with the first six rows repeated once more.
Row 1, Right Side: Work border as usual, slip marker, yarn over, knit to next marker, yarn over, slip marker, K1, slip marker, yarn over, knit to next marker, yarn over, slip marker, work border.
Row 2, Wrong Side: Work border, slip marker, purl the yarn over, (K3, P2) to last stitch before the yarn over, purl the stitch and the yarn over, slip marker, P1, slip marker, purl the yarn over and the first stitch, (K3, P) across, K3, purl the yarn over, slip marker and work border.
Rows 3 to 6: repeat rows 1 and 2 working the extra stitches in pattern at the beginning and end of each side.
Row 7: repeat Row 1.
Row 8: Work border, slip marker, purl to last marker, slip marker and work border.

Final Border:
Change to the first colour and work four rows of garter stitch. Omit all the increase yarn overs and slip the first stitch of each row as in the border to keep the edge looking the same.
Change to colour two and repeat the these four rows.
Change to colour three and work two rows of garter stitch. Cast off using a stretchy cast off method. My favourite is to knit two stitches then knit those two together through the back loop on the right needle. Knit one from the left needle and knit the two stitches on your right needle through the back loop and so on to the end.
Weave in your ends, block your shawl according to your preferred method and enjoy! The spine of the shawl looks crooked because I didn’t notice that it wasn’t laid out on the background properly. It is straight I promise.

Thank you all so much for reading my blog and, as always, if you have any problem with the pattern please write to me and I will try to help you out. I can be reached on Ravelry as well by the name bluechicken.
Have a wonderful week filled with happy and kind thoughts to everyone.
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